Coheed and Cambria’s Claudio Sanchez Talks The Prize Fighter Inferno

I never really got into the prog-metal of Coheed and Cambria, other than the odd song here and there. However, The Prize Fighter Inferno, the side project from frontman Claudio Sanchez, that’s right up my alley with its electronica tinged folk. Though he’s been creating material under that umbrella for around 25 years, the current tour, with his wife Chondra Echert joining him, will be the first ever live shows.

On the eve of the trek’s kickoff, I sat down with Claudio for a Vanyaland 617 Q&A, one where he explained why now was the right time to bring The Prize Fighter Inferno on the road, his anxiety about being so exposed in a live setting and what some of his favorite comics are. Check out the interview and, below, one of my favorite Prize Fighter songs from a few years back.

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